Per chi fosse interessato ad approfondire un’analisi critica sul concetto di Alienazione Parentale e sul “trattamento” conseguente pubblichiamo qui di seguito un elenco di articoli:


  1. Associazione Spagnola di Neuropsichiatria (2010), Dichiarazione contro l’uso clinico e legale della cosiddetta Sindrome di Alienazione Parentale. 
  1. Hoult, The Evidenziary Admissibility of PAS, in Children’s legal Rights Journal, vol. 26, n.1, 2006.
  1. Dallam S. et al., Recommended treatments for PAS may cause children foreseeable and lasting psychological harm, Journal Child Custody, 2016, 13 (2-3).
  1. Crisma, Romito, 2007, L’occultamento delle violenze sui minori: il caso della Sindrome da Alienazione Parentale. Rivista di Sessuologia, 31(4):263-270.
  1. Dallam S. & Silberg J.L., 2006, Myths that place children at risk during custody disputes. Sexual Assault Report, 9(3), 33–47.
  1. Clemente M. & Padilla-Racero D, 2016, When courts accept what science rejects: Custody issues concerning the alleged “parental alienation syndrome.” Journal of Child Custody, 13 (2–3), 126–13.
  1. Huff SC., 2015, Expanding the relationship  between  parental alienating  behaviors  and children’s contact refusal following divorce: Testing additional factors and long-term outcomes (Doctoral dissertations). University  of Connecticut,  Storrs, CT. 
  1. Kleinman T.G. & Kaplan P., 2016, Relaxation of rules for science  detrimental to children. Journal of  Child  Custody, 13(1), 72–87.
  1. Meier J.S., Dickson S., O’Sullivan C., Rosen L., Hayes J., 2019, Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations, GW Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Paper No. 2019-56, GW Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-56. 
  1. Silberg J. & Dallam S., Abusers gaining custody in family courts: A case series of over turned decisions, Journal of Child Custody, 2019, VOL. 16, NO. 2, 140–169. 
  1. Joan S. Meier & Sean Dickson, Mapping Gender: Shedding Empirical Light on Family Courts’ Treatment of Cases Involving Abuse and Alienation, Law & Ineq. 311 (2017). 
  1. NCJFCJ, Navigating custody e visitation evaluations in cases with domestic violence: a judge’s guide, 2004,revised 2006.